Consultants for Children, Inc.
Helping Children Reach Their Full Potential
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
We help families create and implement behavioral programs that cover techniques such as ABA, Verbal Behavior and more. We value consistency and use a client center approach with all professionals and other providers to keep services consistent across all settings.
What is ABA?
Behavior analysis is a unique method of treatment based on the idea that most importantly human behavior is learned over time and that it is currently maintained by consequences in the environment. The job as a lead behavior therapist if to work with behavior you would like to change. With your input, we can help you discover what is maintaining a behavior, discover more appropriate replacement behaviors, and then set up a plan to teach those behaviors. We can also develop a plan to help you acquire a new behavior or improve your skill level. Some of the time we will be treating you directly and at other times we may be training significant others as well.
How We Work
As behavioral analysts, we do not make judgments about behavior. We try to understand behavior as an adaptive response (a way of coping) and suggest ways of adjusting and modifying behaviors to reduce pain and suffering and increase personal happiness and effectiveness. You will be consulted at each step in the process. We will ask you about your goals, and we will explain our assessments and the results of our assessments. We will describe the plan for intervention or treatment and ask for your approval of that plan. If at any point you want to terminate our relationship, we will cooperate fully. Please know that it is impossible to guarantee any specific results regarding your goals. However, together we will work to achieve the best possible results.
Client Responsibilities
We will need your full cooperation as we try to understand the various behaviors that are problematic for you. We will be asking a lot of questions and making a few suggestions and we need your total honesty with us at all times. We will be showing you data as a part of my ongoing evaluation of treatment and expect that you will attend to the data and give me your true appraisal of conditions.
If at any time and for any reason you are dissatisfied with our professional relationship, please let us know. If we are not able to resolve your concerns we will make a referral to obtain services elsewhere or seek guidance from our Clinical Director.